
Sunday 3 February 2013

Entry: inculcate (v.)

In context:  "'We inculcate that as a priority here,' deLint said, gesturing vaguely at the space around them, head bent to his charts."

Definition: trans. To endeavour to force (a thing) into or impress (it) on the mind of another by emphatic admonition, or by persistent repetition; to urge on the mind, esp. as a principle, an opinion, or a matter of belief; to teach forcibly. Const. upon, on; †formerly in, into, unto, to.

Other: I love this word. 

Etymology:  < Latin inculcāt-, participial stem of inculcāre   to stamp in with the heel, tread in, cram in, press in, impress upon (the mind), < in-   (in- prefix2) + calcāre   to tread, < calc-  , calx   heel.

SNOOT score 3
Page: 657

Source: Oxford English Dictionary   

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