
Sunday 8 April 2012

Entry: declaiming (v.)

In context: Sure, why not:

"And the sound of her wood-sole clogs against the receding staccato of brittle women's high heels on brick westward as Charles St. now approaches Boston Common and becomes less quaint and upscale: sodden littery - flat the way only wet litter can be flat - appears on the sidewalk aind in the curb's seam, and now murky-colored people with sacks and grocery carts appraising that litter, squatting to life and sift through litter; and the rustle and jut of limbs from dumpsters being sifted by people who all day do nothing but sift through I.W.D. dumpsters; and other people's blue shoeless limbs extending in coronal rays from refrigerator boxes' tops with a rhythmless thappathappappathap; somebody going Pssssst from an alley's lip, and ghastly-white or blotched faces declaiming to thin air from recessed doorways curtained by rain, and for an other-directed second Joelle wishes she'd hung on to the cigar, to give away, and moving westward into the territory or the Endless Stem near the end of Charles she starts to dispense charge she is asked for from doorways and inverted up-tilted boxes; and she gets asked about the deal with the veil with a lack of decency she rather prefers.

Definition: To speak aloud with studied rhetorical force and expression; to make a speech on a set subject or theme as an exercise in public oratory or disputation.

Other:Great word.

SNOOT score: 3

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

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